April 5, 2012

The One Direction Infection.

It's Kaitlyn.
As you can probably tell from my recent posts, I have a slight obsession with One Direction. It's not a bad thing though. I don't see how it can possibly be a bad thing. If you have never heard of One Direction, they were all on X-FACTOR in England in 2010. They didn't know each other and all got cut the same day, but brought back and were put in a group by Simon Cowell. And Simon did an amazing job at making the group. Because they are amazing. One of them is Irish though, Niall, which is the blonde one. I am going to post my 3 favorite music videos by them in this post because I feel like it. :)
This is "What Makes You Beautiful." The first person that sings is Liam, the second is Harry, then they all sing, then Zayn in the next verse. :) I LOVVVVEEEEE this song.
This is "One Thing." My favorite song. The first person that sings is Liam, then Harry, then Zayn. In the second verse it's Niall, and then Louis. Niall is the Irish one.
This is "One Thing," but ACOUSTIC. It is AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING. I love this. It's constantly on replay in my room all of the time. They are awesome at harmonizing. If you didn't notice. All of the singing is in the order it was from the music video. :)

Okay, now some of their video diaries, I promise you, you will laugh your head off. Louis is probably the funniest guy ever.

Video Diary #1
Video Diary #2

Video Diary #3. Funniest. One. Ever.

Video Diary #4. Seriously. I cry when I watch this because it's so funny.

Okay, NOW FOR THE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Niall. The Irish one. :) 
All of them.

Do you have the One Direction Infection yet? I hope so. :) Lynn is probably mad at me for posting this, but I mean, I couldn't help it... :) 
-Your Fellow Directioner, Kaitlyn.♥

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