November 3, 2015


Hi friends! I just wanted to remind you of something:

You are worth far more than you could ever imagine. Worth more than the number on the scale, the car you drive, or the clothes you wear. More than the shoes you wear, your position on the career ladder, or even the number of followers you have on Twitter or Instagram. Whether you're the top in your class or can't seem to keep a C average.  Whether you're super popular or feel like you cannot call anyone "friend." Whether you love yourself and your life or you cannot stand to look in the mirror and feel like your life is falling apart. Whether you're such a winner or you feel like you're the world's biggest failure. Regardless of who you think you are, the reality is that you deserve to love yourself and not see yourself for those labels. Because in the eyes of God, you are cherished, loved, strong, capable, and countless other things. You are a child of the living God. Cherished, loved, and adored above all things by the Creator of all things for the glory of Him who is greater than all things.

You are WORTHY.

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