March 29, 2013

iPhone Levitation Photos - Tutorial

I first learned about levitation photography here, and i decided i wanted to try it myself.  except, since i don't have photoshop, i decided to use my iPhone.  here's how i did it:

the apps i used: CameraSharp Free, Image Blender, & AfterLight 
*this tutorial only explains what i used and how i did it, hopefully you can translate this and apply it to whatever apps you like using.*

prop up your phone (or use a tripod, if thats even possible with an iPhone) and open CameraSharp.  i choose to use CameraSharp because it has a "sound" setting where you can snap or clap and it takes the picture, this is a lot easier than using a self timer.  now take a picture of your background, and, without touching your phone, set up a stool and sit/lay/pose on it however you like and take the picture.  experiment with different poses and have fun with it.  
so now you should have two photos; one of the background and one of you on your stool.  one problem i had was how the lighting got brighter once i stepped into the frame, but i was still able to cover it up later so it's not that big of a deal.  and if that doesn't make sense to you, you'll understand later.
open Image Blender and add the background photo in the bottom left corner, and the photo with you in the bottom right corner.  
tap the pencil at the top left and mask out the stool.  try making it look neat by masking a rectangle, instead of only the stool.  when you're done, tap the check mark.
test out different blend modes by taping the button on the top middle.  sometimes other blend modes make the photo look better, and sometimes the normal blend mode is best.  for this specific picture, i used the blend mode "Multiply".
now you just have to open your photo in different apps and try to get rid of the lines as best you can.  i used AfterLight to add filters and light streaks and it worked pretty well.  just experiment with apps until you get it how you like !
here's my final product.  this one definitely isn't my favorite, but i just happened to make my tutorial with it.  oh whale.
i hope that made sense and you're not totally confused!  these type of pictures are especially pretty when taken outdoors or in old buildings, so don't be lazy like me and stay in your room.  although it was raining, so i have a good excuse.  hope you enjoyed my tutorial & happy weekend!
♥, lynn

March 28, 2013

If you're ever alone in your room for an hour...

make a video, preferably a dancing one.  that's right, judge me if you want.  
♥, lynn

ps. the song is Wait for Me by Shane Harper (feat. Bridget Mendler)

March 24, 2013

be modest, be beautiful.

photo sources // 1, 2, 3, 4
photo sources // 1, 23
photo sources // 1, 2, 3, 4
photo sources // 1, 2, 3
I know, it's like 40 degrees outside.  but can we just talk about spring?  i've been looking on pinterest a lot lately for some inspiration on being modest and still look cute during the spring, so i thought i would share it with you.  one thing i hate about warm weather, is how a lot of girls are like "oh, lets get out our short shorts and tank tops and go swimming in bikinis!"  no.  just no.  it is completely possible to be pretty and modest.  long skirts are really pretty.  sleeved shirts are really pretty.  high necklines are really pretty.  you don't have to follow the world's ways of fashion.  be different.  be modest.  be beautiful.  and know that you're not the only one.
i hope this inspired you in some way, xo. lynn

ps. i absolutely love this post by Bri from The Secret Life of Bee.  she is currently my favorite blogger, so you should definitely check out her blog!

March 14, 2013


Two blog posts in one day? We are on a rollllll. So I thought that I would post this. I wore this outfit about two weeks ago, but I love it. I was feeling edgy, obviously. I refused to show my face because I had been doing homework and all my makeup was off, but I hope I have good enough pictures for my outfit!

So this is my full outfit. Plus my dog. I know it's kind of hard to see and I'm in the kitchen, but I had no other choice. Anddddd excuse my face. But here's my full outfit.

 Here's my shirt. It's simple, but it's one of my favorites. It's from Walmart. It was about $12 if you're interested.
Here are my pants. I'm kind of obsessed with them. They're grey & elastic. I got them from Khols for about $10. They're my favorite.
Lastly my favorite, my shoes. These are my favorite shoes at the moment. I know not everyone will like them and I can see why not. I got them from Target for about $40. And now on to the many pictures I took of my shoes because I love them.

So now you know a somewhat edgy side of me. Yeah, I'm never super edgy at all. I'm probably the least-edgy person you could ever meet. 

I'm leaving you with this picture of Lynn & I. Until my next post, bye!

Clothes Hanger Trick

I pinned this a long time ago and just now got around to actually doing it.  Can I just say; I cannot believe i didn't do this earlier.  It is pure genius.  So, basically, just put hot glue on your hangers in a zig zag pattern and it keeps your shirts from sliding off the hangers (!!!!!!).  I might sound really nerdy to you right now, but this is just too amazing.  Ok, now go do !
xo. Lynn

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