April 6, 2012

I Like To Sing.

Okay, one last post today from me. I figured out that I didn't tell you guys about a humongous part of my life.
I play guitar and I sing. I have been playing guitar for about six years, and love it. I have been singing, I'm pretty sure all of my life. I write my own songs for fun, and love to share them with people. This is a song I wrote last night. I was letting my feelings out when I wrote it, showing that I am a strong girl. Hope you like it! Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpXeQZ9Jwmk&list=UU8c7WfrxCNJvo6Ov8xdaKTQ&index=1&feature=plcp     

Youtube made the lighting weird.

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