October 20, 2013

adventure fund // diy

today i was looking on pinterest and saw this cute little idea for an "adventure fund." i want to go on an adventure in europe my senior year, so i thought this was perfect.

what you will need: 

step 1:
practice writing "adventure fund" or whatever you are putting on your jar on paper. trust me, you want to practice it.
the last picture is how i chose to write it.

step 2:
write "adventure fund" or whatever on the back of the mason jar so it's clear.
i put a flower in between adventure and fund because i thought it was cool looking.

there you have it! your very own adventure fund! 
it's super easy and pretty quick! 

have fun and be adventurous! 

October 17, 2013

reacting to my old tweets!

this is actually a rather embarrassing video, so yeah. i hope you guys enjoy how much of an idiot and carrot i was! 
you can watch the video below:
catch me // demi lovato
pompeii (cover) // union j

PB Smoothie | Recipe

As you might already know, i really love smoothies.  they taste so good and they're so easy to make!  i wanted to create a smoothie with foods that are most always at my house and this is what i came up with.  (throw some chocolate in there and it could pass as dessert!)  hope you all have a great weekend!

much love,

ps. check out my other smoothie recipe here

October 13, 2013

didn't make the cut

hi guys!
long time no post! this post is just to tide you guys over until i get a post up by hopefully tuesday or wednesday! this are just some bloopers from videos i never posted! hope you enjoy! you can watch the video below:

October 2, 2013

DIY Circle Skirt

So i just discovered that it is extremely easy to make a circle skirt.  you should totally try it.  Click here to watch the tutorial

I hope your October has started off swell!
much love,

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