May 7, 2012

One Direction Humor. :)

Okay, these are just some funny pictures I found of One Direction. :) Hope you enjoy! & for some of these, only true Directioners will understand. :) 

Okay, this one is my favorite. It's supppperrrr funny. If you've heard the song "Boyfriend" by Justin Bieber, you will get this. :) 

Awww, when they were babies. :) Precious. 

This is for Lynn.(:

So is this. :) 

Niall likes to eat. 
 Ahahahahahha. I thought this was hilarious. :) 


 I thought this was awesome. 

Liam. Oh, Liam.

It's seriously true. 

 He loves Toy Story.

Oh Louis.


True. True. True.
This is awesome. Just amazing.

So I hope you enjoyed these pictures! They made me laugh!

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