May 12, 2012


Okay, I promise you this is going to be my last One Direction post this week. I promise! :) My jam of the week isn't gonna be One Direction. Again, I promise. But these are just some funny video clips of them that people put together and made a montage of. :) Hope you enjoy & laugh a lot! Oh and Liam can beatbox. Just listen for him in the first video. He's cool.
Hahahahhahahahaha. Their dance moves are awesome.
Okay, Liam does Kermit the Frog impression and Scooby Doo. It's awesome!

One Thing Behind the scenes. (: I love big red bus!

I work out.
Harry. Enough said.
It's not the same video, I promise!
This is my favorite one! Next to the first one!
:D it's one direction!
:) Last one!
That is all.
Hope you laughed!

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