March 12, 2012

Hey Hey Hey.

It's Kaitlyn.
Long time no post, right? When we went to best buy, they didn't have my laptop charger, so we have to order through the company my computer is from. My mom is letting me use her old laptop right now, but it's so old it doesn't let me upload pictures or anything. Yes I know, it's super duper out dated. If I do upload pictures or whatever to it, it takes an hour for each picture. So, we are ordering my laptop charger ASAP, but I have to pay for it, so it might take me another week or so... I know, it stinks. So I will probably just be using this computer and posting text posts for a while. I'm sorry :( Atleast I can post stuff though! I wanna give Lynn a HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you for keeping up with the blog while I've had these computer issues. HOPEFULLY I will be back soon! Thanks for being patient with me!

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