March 18, 2012

Feels Like Summer!

Hey! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting, this weekend was really hectic for me. But today, I'm excited to say, it feels like summer! :) Here are some of my favorite summer fashions:

1. High-Low Skirts/Dresses

I am in love with these skirts and dresses. I want one soooo bad! Every time I go into a store, I look for one with a good price. :) These two are from Forever 21, which I'm so excited because they are building one near me! Finally, I won't have to drive 100 miles away to go. . . .
2. Sunglasses

I used to never wear sunglasses. Ever. I didn't even own a pair. But, last year, I bought some and I realized, whoever invented sunglasses was really smart. I mean, their fashionable and have a purpose. I now love sunglasses. Although I only have two pairs right now, I plan to buy more. :) These are from Charming Charlie, one of my favorite accessory stores!
3. Color Jeans

So, I know Kaitlyn doesn't really like these, but I really do. I actually bought a pair of purple ones the other day! I love adding a pop of color to any outfit, and these are a perfect solution! These are from Delia*s, MY FAVORITE CLOTHING STORE IN THE WHOLE WORLD!! Just sayin'. :)
4. Sandals

What is summer without sandals? I think almost every girl would agree, you have to have sandals. These are from Payless. My favorite are the bottom left, for some reason I have always loved hooded sandals, but, sadly, they don't look good on my feet. I don't actually like the red ones, but they gave the picture some color. :)
5. Scarves

My favorite accessory! The best part is, their good all year round! These are from Old Navy, I recently went there with Kaitlyn and discovered, they have awesome scarves! And dresses. And shirts. And shoes. And skirts. And sunglasses. 
And. . . . . .

So, did you learn something new about me? Have a great Sunday!  -Lynn :)

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