March 2, 2012

Heart Bookmark Tutorial

I learned how to make this really cute bookmark here via Pinterest, but I decided to make my own tutorial. :) Enjoy!

Supplies Needed: Felt, Scissors, Chalk (or any writing utensil), Needle and Thread. 

1. Fold your felt to make a triangle.
2. Using your chalk/writing utensil, draw half a heart onto your felt.
3. Cut out your heart.
4. Make another heart the exact same size.
5. Lay your hearts on top of each other and sew the bottoms together. You might have to test it on a book to see how far up you need to sew.
6. Decorate your heart however you want, and slip it onto the corner of your book! 

Now you have an awesome bookmark! Hope you liked my tutorial!  -Lynn :)

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