June 30, 2012

Where I Have Been!

Long time no talk! I have been going insane in these past few weeks. I went to church camp this past week, and I feel so so so refreshed. God taught me so many things & told me LOTS of things I needed to hear. I am going to tell you about some personal things I've been dealing with, and how God helped me overcome them this week. First off, the speaker was Jordan Easley. One word. AMAZING. I've heard him speak once before and I loved him. & I loved him even more this time. Anyways, lately, I have been struggling with sinning, specifically lying to my parents. I don't know what has gotten into me, but it has totally overtaken me, and I have had to face many many consequences due to it. BUT this past week at camp, no more sin. I repented so much. Confessed so much. My secret sins weren't secrets anymore. I remember praying the third night of camp, "God, I am so messed up. So messed up. I need you more than ever right now. Show me your way, reveal yourself to me. Help me to repent from these sins. Rock my world. Break my heart. Show me how to love like you do, God. I can't take this sin anymore." And right then, when I had my eyes shut, I saw Him. I saw God's face. No doubt. Just in that short moment, my life was changed. And I will NEVER be the same just from that two second glimpse of him. It totally rocked my world. Now, I am going to talk about the worship. Worship is one of my favorite things ever. I love it. I aspire to be a worship leader when I get older. Jordan Reynolds led worship. We pretty much sang the same songs all week, but they were very very powerful. One song in-particular stuck out to me. It is called "Never Once" by Matt Redman.  The lyrics in this song mean so much to me, and say so much that I needed to hear. God revealed himself once again to me through song. Words can't describe the feeling. I get chill bumps thinking about it.

Lastly, I am going to talk about my friends. I made so many new friends while I was there. Unfortunately, my camera is broken, so I didn't get that many pictures, most of these are from other people's cameras. Actually, all of them are I think.
 This was at low ropes. Team work!
 After the mudpit.  No comment.
 I absolutely love this girl. This is Savannah. She is the sweetest girl ever!
 Cheryl. (: Long time friend.
 Laura! Beeeest friend!
 Bus Ride! With Lexi, Lucy, and Amber! (:
 I didn't know this was taken? But with Kaitlynn, Katelyn, and Laura!
 We are lookin goooood!
Adventure race/mud pit! 
Me, Laura, and Kaitlynn! We look/were so exhausted! Long days at camp, but SO worth it!

So that is a little bit of what camp was like for me, so fun! More posts will be up soon! God does great things! God bless!

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