I love this! It is so true! -Lynn :)
February 29, 2012
February 28, 2012
Computer Problems :(
So, you guys might be wondering why Kaitlyn hasn't posted anything lately. Well, she is having computer problems, so she won't be able to post anything until next week. She might be able to figure out a way to use her mom's computer, but until then, you'll just have to endure my postings. ;) -Lynn
25 Ways to Wear a Scarf!
February 26, 2012
t-shirt scarf tutorial
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Cut a straight horizontal line right under the armpits in your t-shirt, then cut off the bottom hem. You should have a tube of fabric. |
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Fold the tube in half, top to bottom. |
Enjoy your new scarf! -Lynn :) |
February 23, 2012
Where We Will Be This Weekend...
So this weekend, Lynn & I are going to a church event and will have no access to a computer. We will be taking a bunch of pictures and videos while we are there, and do a huge blog thing on Sunday! :) So don't be discouraged if you don't see anything from us all weekend, we will have a BLOG POST MANIA on Sunday! :)
So this weekend, Lynn & I are going to a church event and will have no access to a computer. We will be taking a bunch of pictures and videos while we are there, and do a huge blog thing on Sunday! :) So don't be discouraged if you don't see anything from us all weekend, we will have a BLOG POST MANIA on Sunday! :)
February 22, 2012
Outfit of the Day.
Hey! So I know Lynn uploaded an outfit of the day earlier, but we decided we would put them up on the same days! :) I got my boots from American Eagle they were about $25. I wore blue jeans, of course, then I wore a brownish-gray tribal print cropped top with a white tank top under it. I got that from TJ Maxx for about $10. For my hair, I curled it with my curling iron by wrapping my hair around the barrel (not using the clamp) and brushed my curls out in the end. :) By the way, I did the top picture for Lynn...(it's an inside joke.)
Kaitlyn (:
Outfit of the Day
Hey! So, this is actually what I wore yesterday, but oh well. :) My top was a hand-me-down, in other words, I have no idea where it came from. My ankle boots are Steve Madden, got them from Dillard's. My head band is from Joann ($1!) and I clipped on some flowers I got from Claire's. Then, of course, jeans! By the way, Lucy (my sister) took all of my pictures. -Lynn :)
February 19, 2012
French Braided Bangs Tutorial.
-Kaitlyn (:
A Different Hair Flower Tutorial. :)
-Kaitlyn (:
Hair Flower Tutorial
Hello there! This is a tutorial on how to make a
hair flower just like the one pictured above. Enjoy!
Supplies Needed: scissors, needle and thread,
alligator hair clip (or any other type of hair clip), button (I used a cover
button kit to cover my button in fabric), circular object to trace around (I
used a small bowl about 3" in diameter), fabric, small amount of felt that
is close to the same color as your fabric, pencil or pen that will lightly show
up on your fabric, and a hot glue gun.
1. Trace your circular object onto your fabric 5 times using your pen or pencil. |
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2. You should have 5 circles drawn onto your fabric. |
3. Cut out your circles. |
5. Thread your needle and knot the end. |
6. Take one circle and fold it in half. |
7. Fold that circle in half again, so you have a triangle. |
8. Push your needle into the corner of your triangle, but don't pull the need all the way through. |
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14. Knot your thread and cut of the extra. |
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I hope you enjoyed my tutorial! Thanks for reading! -Lynn :)
Outfit of the Day.
So I know this picture isn't very descriptive of my outfit, but oh well, I'll explain it best I can. First, my sweater. I have no idea where it came from, but it has buttons all the way down and is kind of military style. Then I added a multi-color floral type scarf. I got it from TJ-Maxx. This made my outfit a lot less boring and added a huge pop of color(s) to it. Then I wore these black heeled boots. I got these from Walmart and wear them everywhere. They are actually knee-highs but I decided to wear them without tucking my jeans in today. And of course blue jeans to complete the whole look. Next time it will be more descriptive I promise!
The One Year Chronological Bible.
In small groups, we are reading the one year chronological Bible. I am learning so much from it, and I know everyone in our small groups are too. I encourage you to read it, too! It's like a book you never want to put down!
Glazed Cupcakes!
These are super easy and super yummy!
My Favorite Quotes!
"When you go to your knees, God will help you stand up to anything."
"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me."
"She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25."
"When we have nothing left but God, we discover that God is enough."
"You is kind, you is smart, you is important."
"Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23."
"Listen for God's voice in everything you do and everywhere you go; He's the one that will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6."
"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. Colossians 3:23."
"I can't brag about my love for God because I fail him everyday, but I can brag about his love for me because it NEVER FAILS"
"Greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city."
"Faith in God includes faith in his timing."
"I believe in Christ like I believe in the sun- not because I can see it, but by it, I can see everything else."
"When we put God first,all other things fall in their proper place."
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7."
"It's a bitter world, I'd rather dream."
"Prayer changes everything. Don't be anxious; pray instead. If God is for us, who can be against us? His grace IS sufficient. Phillipians."
"Have you prayed as much as you've talked about it?"
"I can be changed by what happens to me. I refuse to be reduced by it."
"You never know how strong you are until strong is the only choice you have."
"Some people come into your life as blessings, others come in your life as lessons."
"You are braver than believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
"Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble, and never stop praying. Romans 12:12."
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26."
"What you do today can improve all your tomorrows."
"Be loyal to the ROYAL within you."
"God is watching over you, I know because I asked him to."
"When God is your reason to live, you will never have a reason to quit."
"If you don't have time to pray and read your scriptures, you are busier than God ever intended you to be."
"Keep calm and shine on."
"Lord, the next time I look at some person, thing, or idea to complete me, draw my eyes to you instead."
"Dreams don't work unless you do."
"God speaks in the silence of your heart; listening is the beginning of prayer."
"Sometimes I want to ask God why he allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when he can do something about it, but I'm afraid he just might ask me the same question."
"Lead me, Guide me, Walk beside me, Help me find the way, Teach me all that I must do to seek him."
"Choose your friends with caution, plan your future with purpose, and frame your life with faith."
"If God is all you have, you have all you need."
"She believed she could, so she did."
"Faith; it does not make things easy, it makes them possible. Luke 1:37."
"My child, you worry too much, I've got this remember? Love, God."
"Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain."
"Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication."
"The life we live today determines the legacy we leave tomorrow."
"When there is no struggle, there is no strength."
"Hope is the little voice you hear whisper "maybe" when the whole world is shouting "no.""
"In order to be irreplaceable, one must be different."
"I came so that you may have life and live i more abundantly. John 10:10."
"God doesn't give you the people that you want, he gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, and to love you and make you the person you were meant to be."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something."
"Remember that you were given this life because you are strong enough to live it."
"To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship."
"A father is a son's first Hero and a daughter's first love. My father is God."
"Find joy in the journey."
"It is better to look up. Remember Christ and trust in his power."
"Let love be your highest goal. 1 Corinthians 14:1."
"Do you think to pray?"
"You are loved more than you will ever know by someone who died to know you. Romans 5:8."
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord; plans for peace not evil and hope. Jeremiah 29:11."
"Take pride in how far you have come,take faith in how far you will go."
"Thank you God for blessing me with much more tan I deserve."
"Dear God, I wanna take a minute not to ask you for anything, but to thank you for all I have."
"When you are tempted to lose patience with someone, think how patient God has been with you all this time."
"Only God can turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into a triumph, and a victim into a victory."
"By becoming the answer to someones prayer, we often find the answer to our own."
"He died not for men, but for each man. If each man had been the only man made, he would have done no less."
"Keep calm, and love God."
"Life is like photography, you use negatives to develop."
"Nothing is impossible; The word itself says IM-POSSIBLE."
"If God brings you to it; he'll bring you through it."
"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me."
"She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25."
"When we have nothing left but God, we discover that God is enough."
"You is kind, you is smart, you is important."
"Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23."
"Listen for God's voice in everything you do and everywhere you go; He's the one that will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6."
"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. Colossians 3:23."
"I can't brag about my love for God because I fail him everyday, but I can brag about his love for me because it NEVER FAILS"
"Greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city."
"Faith in God includes faith in his timing."
"I believe in Christ like I believe in the sun- not because I can see it, but by it, I can see everything else."
"When we put God first,all other things fall in their proper place."
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7."
"It's a bitter world, I'd rather dream."
"Prayer changes everything. Don't be anxious; pray instead. If God is for us, who can be against us? His grace IS sufficient. Phillipians."
"Have you prayed as much as you've talked about it?"
"I can be changed by what happens to me. I refuse to be reduced by it."
"You never know how strong you are until strong is the only choice you have."
"Some people come into your life as blessings, others come in your life as lessons."
"You are braver than believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
"Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble, and never stop praying. Romans 12:12."
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26."
"What you do today can improve all your tomorrows."
"Be loyal to the ROYAL within you."
"God is watching over you, I know because I asked him to."
"When God is your reason to live, you will never have a reason to quit."
"If you don't have time to pray and read your scriptures, you are busier than God ever intended you to be."
"Keep calm and shine on."
"Lord, the next time I look at some person, thing, or idea to complete me, draw my eyes to you instead."
"Dreams don't work unless you do."
"God speaks in the silence of your heart; listening is the beginning of prayer."
"Sometimes I want to ask God why he allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when he can do something about it, but I'm afraid he just might ask me the same question."
"Lead me, Guide me, Walk beside me, Help me find the way, Teach me all that I must do to seek him."
"Choose your friends with caution, plan your future with purpose, and frame your life with faith."
"If God is all you have, you have all you need."
"She believed she could, so she did."
"Faith; it does not make things easy, it makes them possible. Luke 1:37."
"My child, you worry too much, I've got this remember? Love, God."
"Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain."
"Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication."
"The life we live today determines the legacy we leave tomorrow."
"When there is no struggle, there is no strength."
"Hope is the little voice you hear whisper "maybe" when the whole world is shouting "no.""
"In order to be irreplaceable, one must be different."
"I came so that you may have life and live i more abundantly. John 10:10."
"God doesn't give you the people that you want, he gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, and to love you and make you the person you were meant to be."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something."
"Remember that you were given this life because you are strong enough to live it."
"To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship."
"A father is a son's first Hero and a daughter's first love. My father is God."
"Find joy in the journey."
"It is better to look up. Remember Christ and trust in his power."
"Let love be your highest goal. 1 Corinthians 14:1."
"Do you think to pray?"
"You are loved more than you will ever know by someone who died to know you. Romans 5:8."
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord; plans for peace not evil and hope. Jeremiah 29:11."
"Take pride in how far you have come,take faith in how far you will go."
"Thank you God for blessing me with much more tan I deserve."
"Dear God, I wanna take a minute not to ask you for anything, but to thank you for all I have."
"When you are tempted to lose patience with someone, think how patient God has been with you all this time."
"Only God can turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into a triumph, and a victim into a victory."
"By becoming the answer to someones prayer, we often find the answer to our own."
"He died not for men, but for each man. If each man had been the only man made, he would have done no less."
"Keep calm, and love God."
"Life is like photography, you use negatives to develop."
"Nothing is impossible; The word itself says IM-POSSIBLE."
"If God brings you to it; he'll bring you through it."
February 18, 2012
We are Lynn & Kaitlyn. No, we aren't British or Canadian, but the "u" in "colouring" made it look cooler. On this blog, we will have various DIY crafts, & some other stuff we aren't so sure of yet. I mean hey, we are new at this! So, stick around if you're cool. :)
Lynn & Kaitlyn.
We are Lynn & Kaitlyn. No, we aren't British or Canadian, but the "u" in "colouring" made it look cooler. On this blog, we will have various DIY crafts, & some other stuff we aren't so sure of yet. I mean hey, we are new at this! So, stick around if you're cool. :)
Lynn & Kaitlyn.
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