November 20, 2014

God is still good.

Hello Blogspot Fam,

It’s been a while. Both mine and Lynn’s lives have been nothing shy of stressful lately. Both of us are juniors in high school, and it seems to be the most time consuming year yet. I personally am balancing school, a job, and somewhat of a social life all at the same time and it has gotten a little crazy. I put the blog on the backburner. In these recent months, I have learned a lot about myself and the ways God works. In mid September some things happened and my world felt like it was falling apart. I was in over my head and didn’t know how to deal with it. I had a friend straight up tell me that I needed to turn to God and no one else. And so I did. That friend and I have been holding each other accountable since then and it’s been so good for me! I feel like I am finally right with God. I spent about a month studying Job and boy oh boy that was a kick in the face for me. Job was SO BOLD! I love the Bible and how transparent God is through it and I love living by it. I find that I am just a genuinely happier person. If I hadn’t had God through these past couple months I honestly don’t know where I would be right now.

Now for the hard part. In March of 2013, mine and Lynn’s pastor was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of melanoma. Lynn and I go to a rather large church, and this was a huge deal. Obviously. All of the treatments and things he took were all clinical trials and there was no guarantee that they would work. On November 18th, Pastor David passed away. This has been such a rough and heartbreaking week. But I have learned a ton this week. Last night David’s son, Josh, spoke at church (the day after his dad died…how bold right?!!) and kept reminding us of Romans 8:28 and Romans 6:23. God makes things work together for good for the people who love him, and I am confident that David and his family love the Lord and will soon see the good in this. I have constantly been reminded of Luke 23:43 where Jesus says this: “’Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.’” I have no doubt in my mind that David is with the Lord. Through this, I have learned that the Lord is still good, and that we should turn to him and no one else. Because after all, he has all the answers, right?! Who are we to question God?

I am looking forward to being able to get back into the swing of things on the blog! Hope you’re all having a lovely fall season so far J

Love always,



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