August 10, 2012

High School.

Hi guys!
So this week was my first "week" of high school! I put week in quotes because technically, it wasn't a week. I went for a half day Tuesday, I was off Wednesday, and went for full days Thursday & Friday. So I guess we will start from Tuesday. I was super nervous and scared. I had a major stomach ache. I got lost going to my first class, which is Wellness in case you were wondering, it's like gym. Once I finally got there I was really upset because none of my friends were in there and there are bunch of senior football players, so it's kind of awkotaco. So what did I do? I made new friends! :) I went to my second class after that was all over, which is English 1. Didn't get lost. I was super happy about that class, because a bunch of my friends are in there and I get to sit by them. :) Then I went to my third class, Physical Science. Laura is in there, so I love that class. I'm kind of not impressed with that class because there are only like 7 girls and like 4587975 boys. Not really. But a lot of boys and very few girls. Then I went to my last class, which I dreaded, Algebra 1. I have a couple friends in that class, and the teacher is just like my math teacher from last year, who I absolutely LOVED! So half day was okay, could've been better. Thursday. First full day. Really nervous. It stormed really bad Thursday, and our Wellness teacher got stuck in traffic, so we didn't do anything. It was fun. The rest of my classes were pretty boring. We just went over class rules, got paperwork, etc. I found out my Homeroom teacher lived in London for two years!!!! I freaked out to say the least. Friday. AMAZING DAY. I just had so much fun today & hope everyday is like today. I'm really happy with high school. It's fun. I finally feel in place. I'm super excited to see what this year has for me! I will keep you guys updated! Thanks for reading! :)

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