December 27, 2015

Honesty time

Lately I have really been struggling with wanting to be the best friend I could possibly be and doing absolutely any and everything to please my friends. It's like I am obsessed with the thought of them actually liking me and wanting to talk to me. But then I get so afraid that if I text them or send the, a snapchat they will get so annoyed by me that I have to give them a gift or do something completely inconvenient or unlike me just to please them and so they will want to continue being friends with me. It's stupid right? But I can't seem to shake it. It sickens me that I am so insecure that I go out of my way 99% of the time just to make sure people like me. But I shouldn't have to constantly do that for them to like me, should I? They should like me for me, not the material things I give them. So basically I wrote this for my own benefit. I figured if I read it I would see how stupid I am being. 

A good friend once told me: "just don't let people take advantage of you or try to make everyone happy cause then you won't be." 

So I'm working on it. Thanks for reading this random spill.

Much Love,

December 25, 2015

Let Me Tell You About My Friend Jake

I know I haven't posted in a bad. But let me tell you!! Life has been pretty great and my friend Jake has a huge part in that! So I am writing this to tell you about Jake and write a small appreciation post for him. I also hope he doesn't kill me for this.

Okay so let's start out on how I met Jake. One night I was scrolling through my twitter feed in summer of 2013 (I think) and saw him tweet something and took a leap of faith and direct messaged him, and we hit it off pretty much right from the start!!! Jake is the only person I am really able to talk to for hours and never ever ever get sick of.  (he probably gets sick of me though!!) (I know he does lol)  We can go from having a completely hilarious conversation about picture Christmas sugar cookies to talking about how there is pain hidden in our Instagram posts. Jake has been there for me so much these past 2 1/2 years and I cannot begin to tell you how THANKFUL I am for him!! Through thick and thin and every single laugh and every single tear he has been there. He encourages me in every single thing I do and makes sure I never underestimate myself or forget my worth.  I am so thankful for each spontaneous dinner run, the time I got to meet his cat, the time I sent him a Christmas card with a picture of my dog in it, and so many more things!!!  I don't know man, Jake is just a special, one of a kind friend and I hope I never ever lose my friendship with him!! If I did, I would probably cry.

If you're reading this,
1. Thank you for taking the time to read this far in the midst of your insane life
2. Thank you for letting me meet Daphne
3. Thank you for being my friend and always being good to me and responding to me most of the time even though I know I annoy you despite what you say
4. Thank you for the adventures. And the laughs. And the jokes. And the fun times.  I cherish each one of them and hope for many many many more!!!
5. You're the BEST!!!

Anyways, to sum it up, I got pretty lucky with Jake being my best friend! I am super glad I sent that message on Twitter however many years ago. If I hadn't, life would be real real real boring.

Here's a pic of us by the way:

Don't worry, we know it's a bad photo. We're working on that.

Hope you're all lovely!!!!

Much Love,

November 3, 2015


Hi friends! I just wanted to remind you of something:

You are worth far more than you could ever imagine. Worth more than the number on the scale, the car you drive, or the clothes you wear. More than the shoes you wear, your position on the career ladder, or even the number of followers you have on Twitter or Instagram. Whether you're the top in your class or can't seem to keep a C average.  Whether you're super popular or feel like you cannot call anyone "friend." Whether you love yourself and your life or you cannot stand to look in the mirror and feel like your life is falling apart. Whether you're such a winner or you feel like you're the world's biggest failure. Regardless of who you think you are, the reality is that you deserve to love yourself and not see yourself for those labels. Because in the eyes of God, you are cherished, loved, strong, capable, and countless other things. You are a child of the living God. Cherished, loved, and adored above all things by the Creator of all things for the glory of Him who is greater than all things.

You are WORTHY.

October 27, 2015

Hello blog fam!

Long time no post! Life has actually been insane and so much has happened since I last posted, I don't even know where to start. Not many monumental things have happened, just little things that are keeping me overly busy. The only "monumental" thing I can think of is that I went to Haiti!!!
I went October 10-16 and it was UNREAL. I will have to do a whole separate blog post on that, seeing as this one would be far too long, and that is not what this blog post is intended to talk about. 

Something I have learned in the midst of this chaotic season of life is that our God is a God who brings our chaos back into order every. single. time. I have been thinking and talking about how we don't serve a God of circumstance. Our God is steadfast, unwavering, never changing. He isn't here only sometimes. He is here always. We have to find it in our hearts to seek him in every situation. It seems a lot of times as if we only seek Him when we find ourselves in a pickle. Say we are going to fail a test or someone is sick. THEN and only then we find it appropriate to seek God in those times. Then if God doesn't deliver  how you prayed, you get upset with Him. We don't serve a God of circumstance. So with that being said, CLING to Him! He is searching for you! He wants to captivate your whole being. The question is....will you let Him? 

I can tell you from personal experience that having God captivate your whole being is the absolute sweetest and best place to be. It changes your outlook on life, and changes the way you carry yourself. 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 


August 8, 2015

Come As You Are

I feel like so often we make it a competition to see who has the most highlighted verses in their Bible, who lifts their hands the most in worship, or who answers the most questions in small groups. But why? There is no "most spiritual person" award. Last time I checked, it wasn't about who is the most spiritual or who worships best, it's about THE Spirit and who is being worshiped. God isn't looking for the most highlighted verses or the most worn out Bible because it has been opened so much. He wants you to come as you are. It doesn't matter about how clean your hands are or how ironed your shirt is. He doesn't say "clean up and then we will talk." He wants you to come as you are! So our dirty hands, messy hair, wrinkled shirts -- he wants it. He wants YOU. After all, He created you didn't he? So why question what He wants? So often we fall in love with worldly desires and put our eyes on what the world says a Christian should look like and forget about HIS desires. When you fall in love with Jesus, you fall less in love with the world. Isn't that the best place to be? Where you are so engrossed with the Father's love that you cannot stand to talk about anything else?! He wants all of us. The messy hair, messy shirt, dirty hands. He doesn't want us to fix anything. He wants us to fall on our knees and say "Jesus!! I'm here! USE ME!!!"

I'm making that my prayer today (and everyday). That He will use me like never before. I want to be a laborer. Luke 10:2 says this: He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." 
Much Love,

July 28, 2015

It's Been a While

It has been so long since I have posted! How are you? How's life? I start school one week from TODAY!!!! August 4th. I feel like I start earlier every single year. This year,  I am a senior in high school and that absolutely blows my mind. How did these four years go by so fast? College decisions are freaking me out. I know what I want to do, but no idea where I want to go. Well I kinda lied. I know where I want to go, just no idea how I am going to afford it. I just wanted to update you guys a bit! You will see more posts from me soon :)

With Love,

July 7, 2015

"God Can't Use Me."

"God can't use me." 
That is one of the biggest lies the world feeds us and that we feed ourselves more often than not. But it is not true at all. We say things like "I'm too shy" "I'm too busy" "I am not called to do that" or my favorite, "I will pray about it." Every time I think about God not being able to use someone like me, I think about how God has already used me, and I may not notice it! Numerous times throughout the Bible, God uses people who you wouldn't suspect He would use. Prostitutes, beggars, tax collectors, etc. Think of Paul!  He was formerly Saul and HATED Christians. He ended up being one of the most well known Christians ever. So when you think God can't use you, think again. He uses everyone in a unique way. Just because you don't feel called to missions or ministry doesn't mean you cannot share the Gospel. He can and will use you, you just have to lay your life down and say "I give you my life and my trust" and watch the beauty of his glory unfold before your own eyes!


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